Adverbial phrases with present participles

Adverbial phrases with present participles

1. We can use an adverbial phrase beginning with the ‘ing’ (present participles) when describing an action done by or an event caused by the same subject in the main clause.


The tornado swept through the town, leaving a trail of destruction.

(leaving a trail of destruction):-

adverbial phrase showing result.

2. We put the adverbial phrase after the main clause if the action or event is the result of the action in the main clause.


                     (Main clause)

They were at loggerheads with each other, (Comma) creating a tense atmosphere.

(adverbial phrase showing result)

We can place the adverbial phrase before the main clause if the action or event takes place before the action in the main clause.


Sensing her growing displeasure, I quickly changed the conversation topic.

Sensing her growing displeasure – adverbial phrase



He often makes sarcastic remarks without thinking, (comma) hurting other people’s feelings as a result.

However, they should not be added before words like causing or resulting in, which already indicate very clearly that the phrase shows result.


1. They introduced certain rulers, complicating things. (right)

2. They introduced certain rulers, hence / therefore or thus complicating things. (right)

3. They introduced certain rulers, causing complications. (right)

4. They introduced certain rulers, hence / therefore or thus causing complications. (wrong)


Page 183


  1. magnus kapinga said

    some materials missing like diffarent between those things involves

  2. magnus kapinga said

    improve your materials posted

  3. Alex Howard said

    This is actually really useful and I’ve taught English for 8 years. Thanks a lot!

  4. sun said

    In the sentence “they were at loggerheads with each other, (Comma) creating a tense atmosphere”, what is considered the subject of “creating…”?

  5. Justin said

    I’ve found adverbial phrases with present participles to be confusing because participles are typically said to only function as adjectives. Thanks for this!

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